MONTROSE 01674 672236
07th November 2022 by LinksLodge

Payment Terms

Payment Terms and Debt Control

Like any business we rely on the prompt payment of fees. We have revised our payment terms because we are concerned by an increase in unpaid fees. Our payment terms are now as follows:

· Fees should be paid as treatment is completed. If treatment requires multiple appointments, you will be asked to make partial payment on each appointment.

· Failure to keep payments up to date may result in subsequent appointments being postponed.

· For high value items like veneers, crowns, and dentures we reserve the right to request payment in full before fitting.

The easiest way to make payment is by BACs, but you can also pay with cash or card at reception

Our BACs details: Campbell and Gibb Ltd, Sort code: 83-25-16   Account: 00662223

(Please include your surname and DOB to allow us to allocate your payment)